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First steps The first step in resolving any problem or complaint is to carefully read the terms of your agreement. It is always best for a tenant and landlord or agent to try to solve any problems between themselves. To avoid further issues, any agreement reached should be put in writing. Residential tenancy and real estate complaint service NSW tenants, landlords and agents can use Fair Tr...
At the start of every tenancy, the landlord or agent must give you a copy of a Fair Trading publication called the New tenant checklist. This fact sheet contains important information to be aware of before signing a new tenancy agreement. Read the checklist carefully and ask your landlord or agent about anything you do not understand. You should also be given: ...
For tenants After you’ve signed the lease, completed the condition report and settled into your new home, circumstances can change. This section contains facts about common issues that may arise during your tenancy, and how you can deal with them. For landlords Once the lease is signed, and their tenancy is underway, you need to be aware of a range of procedures to follow during the ag...
To end your tenancy you will need to give written notice to the landlord, agent or tenant. The notice period required is different depending on the situation. Tenant ending a tenancy At the end of the fixed term If you want to end your tenancy when the fixed term period is ending, you need to give at least 14 days' notice. This notice can be given up to and including the last day...
An agricultural tenancy is any arrangement that allows a person, who is not the owner, to use a farm for agricultural purposes. In some instances they may also live on the farm. Where the predominant use of a property is for the purpose of agriculture the Agricultural Tenancies Act 1990 applies to the tenancy and the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 is void. Do agricultura...
Rental Bonds Online is a service helping tenants, agents, and self-managing landlords lodge and refund bond money securely and easily. NSW Fair Trading encourages everyone involved in the process of renting to use this service. Log in to Rental Bonds Online using the buttons below for tenants, landlords and agents. Tenants login Agents and landlords login How to register and find out...
The Tenants' Union has released the latest version of their online tool to help tenants understand rent prices in NSW. The tool uses data released by NSW Fair Trading each month from the Rental Bond Board. Using the Rent Tracker Postcode Tool, you can check what the latest rent prices are for different property sizes and types in any postcode in NSW. Results will show how many bonds have...
The NSW Parliament has passed the Residential Tenancies Amendment (Review) Bill 2018. Parliament has passed a series of amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010, which are designed to increase protection and certainty for renters, while ensuring that landlords can protect their investment and effectively manage their properties. The amendments give effect to the majority of the...